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Volunteer Surge : Online training program that teaches volunteers to help professional healthcare workers

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Nurse working with technology in operating room

Want to contribute in some way to help people working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic? You can now become a Telehealth Worker or a Community Health Worker by participating in an initiative called the Volunteer Surge, undertaken by The Global Impact Group in partnership with Rotary Districts and Clubs.

Volunteer Surge is a free, online training program that teaches you to help professional healthcare workers from your home or in the field. Through videos and exercises, you will learn rapidly! Much of this material was originally designed for a comprehensive training to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).

The free, online training program is for any adult age 18+ and requires no special skills. It includes educational videos, self quizzes, and checkpoints.

Once trained, you can choose to apply your new skills by providing phone or online support from your home or by assisting healthcare workers in the field. Their software will then assign you to individuals in need of check-ins, followups, and other minor health issues.

Visit https://theglobalimpactgroup.org/ to learn more and take action.

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