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The Environment Needs You: Here’s What You Can Do To Save It!

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World Environment Day

The unprecedented rate at which we are trashing Earth will soon render the planet a catastrophe. Indeed, governments worldwide are doing their part to aware citizens of the massive repercussions of climate change. But the question still stands — does awareness programs and drives to save the environment cut it? Governments and corporations need to step in, but we should individually bear the responsibility of mitigating the impact of climate change.

Instead of throwing up our hands in despair, here’s what we all can do to fix the problem through sustainability.

World Environment Day

We need to undergo a complete behavioral changeover that comprises simple day-to-day sustainable strategies that will help us think green. While conserving energy and using less water are the most obvious ways of doing that, there are several other small changes one can adopt to generate a significant positive environmental impact.

First and foremost, we need to address the growing rate of carbon emissions across the planet. Leaving the car at home is a massive step toward reducing the number of dangerous greenhouse gases released into the environment. Choose eco-friendly alternatives like walking, using public transport, riding a bike to work, sharing a ride, and more.

Secondly, follow the three R’s — Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle — to live a greener life. This tactic works like magic to conserve natural resources and stop the landfills from increasing. Moreover, one should strive to shop wisely. Being mindful of what we consume from the market ensures that we don’t put our money in the mouths of companies that are harming the environment.

Make it a habit to carry a reusable shopping bag as it decreases your dependency on plastic bags. Most importantly, don’t shop too often as it makes you burn more fuel. Keep a list and purchase in bulk. We highly recommend shopping virtually since it significantly lessens the carbon footprint and helps avoid shopping in crowded stores.

Help the environment by reducing food waste. Did you know that Americans alone trash 133 billion pounds of food (40 percent of the food supply) every year? It’s time you keep track of trash. Knowing how much food you waste will allow you to make better shopping decisions. Track the pattern and optimize your shopping habits.

Lastly, volunteer and educate yourself about the rising negative impacts of climate change. Encourage yourself and your family and friends to volunteer for cleanup drives in your community and city. Weekly cleanup drives ensure a cleaner environment and help grow climate change awareness.

What Have We At GBRI Done To Spread Awareness?

At GBRI, we have done our part to help educate communities and environment enthusiasts about the potential repercussions of climate change through our highly reputed and anticipated Climate Change Ambassador Program. It’s a professionally brainstormed and well-planned three-level certified program that enables people to become climate change experts. Educate yourself through this self-paced program and become an ambassador for planet Earth. Click here to know more!

Saving the environment is not an impossible task. All we lack is a will to take charge of the dire situation we are all in. We highly recommend everyone to introduce the positive changes mentioned above in their lives and educate themselves to understand climate change better. Don’t forget — it’s a quest to save the planet and make it a better place for upcoming generations!

Here’s a video by GBRI featuring Liesl Braganca that might encourage you to work towards living a sustainable lifestyle to save the earth from climate change:

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