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What our users are saying !!
This is a good overview course covering the specifics of the WELL standard and certification process. It gives a high level, but quite comprehensive, coverage of the standard detailing all 7 concepts and their associated features, as well as a walk-through of the certification process from beginning to end.
Isilay CivanPro Reviewer 
I am preparing for my WELL AP exam and I found this course really helpful for covering pretty much everything about the WELL Building Standard (including all features by concept).
Mariel Rivera ReyesSustainability Consultant 
This course is great for those who have no WELL experience as well as those with significant WELL experience as it covers the entire WELL Building Standard in plain language with case studies and examples that assist you in comprehending the preconditions and optimizations. I would certainly recommend this course to those new to WELL, aspiring WELL APs, current WELL APs, and seasoned WELL APs.
Larry EichelSenior Project Manager, Sustainability / UL Environment