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My Courses

This information is important:

If you have previously completed a course it cannot be reused for CE credit. Please contact us to see if you are eligible to have your courses switched out. If the course ID is different the course has been updated and can be used for CE credit. To confirm the courses you have completed please check your USGBC CE history page. You can also send us your downloaded CE transcript, we’re happy to help!

Please make sure your reporting information is updated prior to completing any courses.

To ensure courses are automatically reported to USGBC and AIA please make sure you have updated your reporting information. You can update this information here. Once updated, courses will appear on your CE transcript within 72 hours of course completion.

If your course is not showing as 100% complete, please make sure you have marked all associated handouts as complete.

Unsure what your CE requirements are? Check here.


Your Points and Achievements

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0 WELL v2 Exam Prep Points
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0 ISP 2023- Points
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The journey to become a sustainability guru begins here!
Jeslin Varghese

Sustainability education should not have any boundaries!

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