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Wanderlust: Taking the Sustainable Route

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In “Wanderlust: Taking the Sustainable Route” we explore ecotourism in today’s modern day of travel. Starting with the background and types of ecotourism, this course will bring you up to date on the best practices for sustainable tourism as well as the impacts and outcomes of making sustainable choices when traveling. We’ll explore the potential challenges one faces with ecotourism as well as how to successfully overcome those roadblocks. We’ll explore many ecotourism destinations along the way and dive into a case study out of England.

What you will learn

  1. Explore the background of ecotourism
  2. Identify best practices for sustainable tourism
  3. Understand common challenges with ecotourism and how to overcome them
  4. Identify the economic, environmental and social outcomes and impacts of ecotourism

Online Education Provider

    Wanderlust: Taking the Sustainable Route
    • Lessons 2
    • Topics 0
    • Quizzes 0
    • Duration hours
    • Students 1
    • Assessment
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