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Outsourcing Pollution: Are Developed Countries Outsourcing Pollution?

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  • Reflection Question: What steps can developed countries take to address the ethical dilemma of outsourcing pollution?
  • Meaningful Action: Research and share information about one product you regularly use that is produced in a way that outsources pollution.

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It can be difficult to decipher and piece together a broad picture when things are changing so rapidly. Learn about the current pollution and climate situation, how a country is able to outsource pollution and what that means for you with this LEED & AIA CE article. Brush up on the recent events and agreements the United States has taken part in and leave with an idea of how to have your voice heard.

What you can learn

  1. Understand the commitments the United States has previously made in regard to pollution, climate change and global environmental agreements and where we currently stand moving forward.
  2. Identify the various ways pollution might be outsourced, how common outsourcing pollution might be and how this impacts the development of clean energy production methods
  3. Explore the impacts of outsourcing pollution on the triple bottom line-people, planet and profit.
  4. Understand the role of sustainability professionals in the current political environment with regard to outsourcing pollution.



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    Outsourcing Pollution: Are Developed Countries Outsourcing Pollution?
    • Lessons 2
    • Topics 0
    • Quizzes 0
    • Duration hours
    • Students 1
    • Assessment
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