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Neighborhood Design: Practical Planning

Neighborhood Design: Practical Planning

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Join us as we take a look at various aspects of the neighborhood planning process, and at how sustainability can be integrated into the project scope. We will first briefly look at the planning process overall, and then highlight considerations that are specific to sustainable neighborhood and community design. We will look at the LEED ND credits that are relevant to neighborhood planning, and illustrate the concepts discussed with practical examples.


  1. Describe the additional considerations in the planning process for sustainable developments.
  2. Identify the differences in the sustainable versus conventional planning process.
  3. Analyze development proposals to determine compliance to sustainable criteria.
  4. Describe the LEED ND credits that apply to sustainable project planning.

Online Education Provider

    Neighborhood Design: Practical Planning
    • Lessons 1
    • Topics 0
    • Quizzes 0
    • Duration hours
    • Students 1
    • Assessment
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